Mr Matthew Gill (B.Eng Hons–Mining, Masters-Engineering Science) is a mining engineer with over 40 years’ experience. Mr Gill has held various key roles in both national and international jurisdictions for organisations such as Rio Tinto, Castlemaine Goldfields, WMC, Placer Pacific, Renison Goldfields and Singapore-listed LionGold Corp. Mr Gill has overseen the completion of several Maiden Resource Estimates, has successfully led Pre-Feasibility Studies and Feasibility Studies and has been instrumental in the project development, establishment and operation of four mines, in Australia and internationally. Mr Gill holds three First Class Metalliferous Mine Manager’s Certificates of Competency. Matthew is a three-time winner of the Australian Mine Manager of the Year Award and received the Aus IMM Leadership Award in 2008. Matthew is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors